Tuesday, July 22, 2014

New Loom

My husband built me a new box loom to weave on.  I first strung on the Ram's Horn piece that I had messed up just to see how it worked. It works pretty well especially when we figured how to wind the string on there and then we decided to glued leather to the rollers to give them more grip.

I also started a new project....another Ram's Horn. I figured practice makes prefect and I thought I had figured out the problems I was having the first time.

Well I was still having problems with this one too. I was getting close but the pattern wasn't emerging. I then decided to look on the underside and I discovered I had either strung my cards wrong or put it on the loom upside down, because the pattern was showing up on that side. I just flipped my weaving over (that's a nice thing about this loom) and TA DA the Ram's Horn pattern. It's so beautiful when it's right.

Maybe when I do this pattern next time it won't take me so long to figure it out.

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