Wednesday, July 9, 2014


I figured since I always have so many project going on that I would start a blog to keep track of what I did and what I'm doing.

Currently I'm deconstructing a couple sweaters that I bought from the thrift store so I can reuse the yarn. One sweater is tan and one is red. I want to try to make a card woven band out of the two colors once the sweaters are taken part, cleaned and dried. I'll write about how that goes soon.

I'm also been working on card weaving a belt, after I get that done I want to do a more complicated weaving where you have to flip cards. So far I've only done all the cards forward or all the cards back. The pattern that I want to try so Ram's Horn. After I try a practice run with Ram's Horn I want to use my recycle sweater yarn to make a Ram's Horn belt.

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